Theme: Emerging Trends in Drug Discovery and Development

Euro Pharmacology 2023

Euro Pharmacology 2023

On behalf of the organizing committee, we are delighted to invite experts in the field of Pharmacology and Toxicology from around the world to our prestigious Conference “19th Annual Congress on Pharmacology and Toxicology” scheduled during October 16-17, 2023, Singapore City, Singapore with the theme of “Emerging Trends in Drug Discovery and Development ".

The conference aims to bring together all researchers, scientists, students, professionals working in the field of Pharmacology. Euro Pharmacology 2023 will offer a wide range of scientific sessions consisting of keynote lectures, plenary sessions, poster presentations, and e-poster presentations.

The emphasis of Euro Pharmacology 2023 is on the significance of drug recognition and how pharmaceuticals can affect human physiology. One can determine the proper dosage and number of drug forms with a better understanding of pharmacology. Pharmacology research is increasingly focusing on how to identify and respond to medication interactions, as well as how to treat patients in accordance with a medicine's therapeutic index, mode of action, and side effects. The characteristics of optimum medications can be determined through further research on drug interactions and their therapeutic effects.


  • The sponsoring journals for the conference and the conference book proceedings will both publish all approved abstracts.
  • Each abstract will be given a Cross Ref DOI number. Possibility to hold a workshop with your team members
  • One-on-one meetings with keynote speakers, OCM, and prominent figures to plan the future course of work.
  • The chance to lead a session.
  • The organising committee's certification.
  • Specific keynote A page will be made to increase the exposure of your scientific study.
  • Massive Discounts for Group Registration, among other things.

Target Audience:

  • Researchers
  • Directors, CEO’s of Organizations
  • Scholars from Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical, Toxicology backgrounds
  • PhD Scholars
  • Drug Delivery Technology Manufacturers
  • Business Development Managers
  • Distributors and Suppliers of Drug Delivery Technologies
  • Students, Professors, Researchers, and Faculty of Pharmacology & Pharmaceutical Sciences from Universities and Medical Colleges
  • Researchers from Pharmaceutical Companies, Pharmacy & Pharmacology Associations and Societies
  • Pharmacists, Pharmacologists, & Toxicologists
  • Business development professionals, Consultants, Pharma, and  Toxicology Testing service providers
  • Toxicology Testing Companies & Organizations

Track 1: Pharmacology:-

Pharmacology studies the production process of drugs, their composition, and any potential biological, chemical, or therapeutic effects on a living system. Any substance that affects a cell, tissue, or organ within the body is considered to be a drug. They can be used to describe a huge range of substances. The two primary subfields of pharmacology are pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics. Pharmacodynamics focuses on how a drug may change the biology of the body. Pharmacokinetics, on the other hand, is concerned with how the body metabolises, distributes, and eliminates the medicine.

Track 2: Toxicology:-

Toxicology is the scientific study of the negative effects that chemicals have on living organisms. This means keeping a watch out for and noting any symptoms that may result from exposure to harmful substances. Separate branches of toxicology that each focus on a particular topic of toxicology are known as sub-disciplines and sub-specialties. Some of these fields include toxicogenomics, environmental toxicology, medical toxicology, aquatic toxicology, chemical toxicology, ecotoxicology, clinical toxicology, forensic toxicology, regulatory toxicology, and occupational toxicology.

Track 3: Ethnopharmacology:-

The study of herbal treatments made from plants and other natural components that have historically been used by different people groups to treat a variety of human disorders is known as ethnopharmacology. The majority of medicines we use today, such as morphine, aspirin, and the cancer drug Taxol, are derived from plants. The interdisciplinary study of drugs derived from naturally occurring substances like fungi and plants is known as ethnopharmacology. There is still much to learn about these herbs, despite the fact that they have been used often in traditional medicine for a very long time.

Track 4: Neuropharmacology:-

Neuropharmacology is the study of how drugs affect the neural circuits that control behaviour and the biological processes of the nervous system. Behavioural and molecular neuropharmacology are its two primary subfields. The primary focus of behavioural neuropharmacology is the investigation of how drugs affect human behaviour, particularly the study of how drug addiction and addiction impact the human brain. Molecular neuropharmacology is the study of neurons and how they interact with neurochemicals.

Track 5: Psychopharmacology:-

Psychopharmacology is the scientific study of how drugs impact mood, feelings, thought, and conduct. It differs from neuropsychopharmacology, which emphasises the connection between changes in consciousness and behaviour caused by drug-induced changes in the way the nervous system's cells function.

Track 6: Clinical Pharmacology:-

Human drug use is the subject of clinical pharmacology. It is supported by the pharmacology's fundamental science, with a focus on the practical application of pharmacological ideas and techniques. The range of its applications is extensive, ranging from the identification of novel target molecules to the results of medication use on entire populations.

Track 7: Nursing Pharmacology:-

Nurses can understand how drugs work in the body thanks to nursing pharmacology. They give them the ability to appreciate the therapeutic effects of the medications that patients have been prescribed as well as predict and spot any possible side effects or toxicities. Nurses participate in a system of checks and balances with doctors, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals in today's drug therapy to optimise beneficial effects and minimise unfavourable ones. Since nurses, rather than doctors or pharmacists, are the ones who closely monitor patients' status, they play a critical role in this method.

Track 8: Environmental Pharmacology:-

Environmental pharmacology is a distinct area of pharmacology. It examines the interactions between genes, toxins, and drugs and deals with ecological, medicinal, genetic, and chemical issues. The ambient presence of pharmaceutical drugs and their metabolites were combined using this method. The environment is exposed to pharmaceuticals and common cleaning products in a variety of ways, which influence the flora, fauna, and ecology. Eco pharmacology and eco pharmacovigilance are used to enhance green health.

Track 9: Genetic Toxicology:-

Genetic toxins are harmful substances that alter a cell's genetic composition. Exposure to this kind of chemical and biological agent causes epigenetic modifications that lead to a variety of diseases, primarily cancer. If human eggs or sperm are subjected to more mutational events, future generations may see a rise in the prevalence of genetic illnesses and disabilities. However, because the effects on somatic cells are not genetically transmitted from the person in whom they occur, they do not pose a risk to the following generation. "Genetic toxicology" is a branch of toxicology that studies how physical and chemical substances impact DNA and genetic processes in living cells.

Track 10: Drug Discovery and Drug Screening:-

The process through which drugs are found and/or developed in pharmacology, biotechnology, and medicine is known as drug discovery. The steps in the drug development process include the identification of candidates, synthesis, characterization, screening, and testing of therapeutic efficacy. In the past, drugs were discovered accidentally, like penicillin, or by extracting the active ingredient from therapies that were already in use. To check for the presence of chemicals and contaminants that drugs may have left in the body, drug testing involves collecting and analysing samples of blood, urine, hair, or saliva.

Track 11: Cardiovascular Pharmacology:-

Cardiovascular pharmacology studies the effects of drugs on the cardiovascular and circulatory systems. It primarily improves the safety profile of potential new drugs and provides pharmacological data that may be used to refine additional compounds before selecting ones that are appropriate for clinical development. The three main effects of cardiac medicines on heart function are as follows. They may affect the heartbeat's regularity, frequency, or pace, as well as the force with which the heart muscle contracts.

Track 12: Forensic Toxicology:-

To help with medical or legal inquiries into drug use, poisoning, and fatalities, forensic toxicology uses analytical chemistry, pharmacology, clinical chemistry, and toxicology. Not the legal ramifications of the toxicological investigation or the technique used, but rather obtaining the results and understanding them, is the fundamental goal of forensic toxicology. Toxicological analysis can be performed on a variety of samples. A forensic toxicologist should pay close attention to any physical symptoms recorded as well as any evidence found at the crime scene that can limit the search, such as pill bottles, powders, traces of residue, and any substances that might be on hand.

Track 13: Pharmacological Testing:-

Nuclear stress testing and pharmacological stress tests are both examples of pharmacological tests. The pharmacological stress test, which is built up following the activity test, is an analytical system in which the cardiovascular anxiety caused by pharmacological operators is demonstrated in patients with limited or reduced usable limits. when patients are unable to exercise. Additionally, a demonstration test that is used to evaluate blood flow to the heart is the pharmacological nuclear stress test. A tiny amount of radioactive tracer is injected into a vein in the middle of the test. The radiation emitted by the tracer is recognised by a single camera, known as a gamma camera, to provide computer images of the heart.

Track 14: Pharmaceutical Chemistry:-

The study of creating biologically active compounds and medications for medicinal purposes is known as pharmaceutical chemistry. Its roots can be found at the intersection of chemistry, science, and pharmacology. Discovering, creating, and developing novel chemical compounds that can be utilised therapeutically is the primary objective of pharmaceutical chemistry. This includes studies on currently accessible drugs, their biological properties, and the relationship between action and quantitative structure.

Track 15: Pharmacokinetics:-

Pharmacokinetics is the study of the dynamic motions of foreign substances, sometimes known as xenobiotics, as they transit through the body. It involves the kinetics of absorption, distribution, biotransformation/metabolism, and excretion (ADME). It's basically how the body reacts to xenobiotics. We can better comprehend, analyse, and even foresee the kind and extent of the biological effects of xenobiotics thanks to the field of pharmacokinetics, which uses mathematical equations to represent the time course of ADME of xenobiotics in the body. Pharmacokinetics is one way used to describe the fate of xenobiotics in the body, and it views the body as one or more homogeneous compartments based on either mathematical fitting or physiological properties.

Track 16: Pharmacodynamics:-

Pharmacodynamics is the study of how drugs interact with the body. The most common method is the drug's interaction with tissue receptors located in cell membranes or intracellular fluid. The degree of receptor activation and the subsequent biological reaction are influenced by the activating drug's concentration. This relationship is explained by the dose-response curve, which plots the drug dose vs its outcome. This essential pharmacodynamics interaction may be influenced by patient characteristics and the availability of additional drugs that compete with it for binding at the same receptor.

Track 17: Adverse drug reactions:-

A unfavourable or harmful reaction that follows the use of a medication or medication combination in normal conditions and is believed to be brought on by the medication is known as an adverse drug reaction. A negative reaction typically necessitates stopping the medicine or reducing the dose. Any injury that occurs to a patient while they are taking medicine, whether or not the medication is regarded to be the cause, is considered an adverse event.

Track 18: Autonomic Pharmacology:-

Autonomic pharmacology is the study of pharmacological interactions with the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system plays a significant role in controlling internal organs such the heart, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and vasculature.  As a result, drugs that focus on the autonomic nervous system are efficient in treating a range of conditions, such as asthma, digestive issues, and hypertension.  We can identify the therapeutic benefits of drugs and anticipate their most likely negative side effects if we are aware of how pharmaceuticals can impact the autonomic nervous system.



According to Market Research, the worldwide pharmaceutical market is anticipated to be worth USD 1.57 trillion by 2023. Based on a variety of factors, including market drivers, existing and projected trends, current growth patterns, and industry challenges, growth in this market is anticipated.

It is predicted that North America will continue to dominate the global pharmaceuticals market, growing its share from 2017 to 45.33% in 2023. On the other hand, it is predicted that Europe's market share will fall between 2017 and 2023 and represent only 20.24% of the global pharma industry. The Asia Pacific pharmaceuticals market is predicted to hold onto its second-place position with a market share of 24.07% in 2023. The pharmaceutical markets in Latin America and the United States are expected to grow significantly in 2023.


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To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date October 16-17, 2023
Sponsors & Exhibitors Click here for Sponsorship Opportunities
Speaker Opportunity Closed
Poster Opportunity Closed Click Here to View